
91a Goodwood Rd
5034 Goodwood SA


0421 706 494





09:30 - 04:30




09:30 - 16:30


09:30 - 16:30


09:00 - 02:00





Meer informatie over de begeleider

After having my two beautiful kids, I found it really hard to lose the weight I had gained through my pregnancies. Time marched on, I lost some of the weight through the tools I had on my toolbox as a Naturopath, but I still had not got back to the size that I knew I felt at my best.

More time marched on and then I hit Perimenopause. I realised I really needed to address this sooner rather than later otherwise it was going to start to have potentially more dire consequences for my health moving forward. I hadn't been able to lose any baby weight for 2 years prior to me discovering Metabolic Balance.

At the end of my 3 month MB plan I had successfully said goodbye to 12.1kgs in 12 weeks - WOW! I was blown away by these results.

I love the tailored approach of Metabolic Balance. I love that this is a Nutrition plan that can be seen as a time of transition between where you are now and where you want to go.

I work with a lot of women just like me and have seen them also achieving amazing results. It's not just about the scales or the dropping of dress sizes, it's so much more - it's about how you FEEL, how you're concentration improves, sleep quality, decreased bloating, less pain, the list goes on and on.

 All I can say is that I felt like my old self again, and I'm so grateful that I found this incredible program.

Metabolic Balance® can work beautifully either with face to face or online consultations and I currently consult Australia wide.

If you are struggling to achieve your health or weight loss goals and if any of this sounds familiar or rings true for you, please book a free no obligation Discovery Call where we can talk further about if Metabolic Balance® may work for you.

Meer informatie over de praktijk

I regularly work after hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays but are subject to availability, please let me know if these times are best for you. I currently work alternate Saturdays.
