Uta Komala Rohde


230 Hokoham Drive
86336 Sedona, AZ

Verenigde Staten




Meer informatie over de begeleider

Komala U. Rohde

Komala is a certified professional coach (PCC, CPCC, CNTC). Born in Germany, she began her career as a nurse before receiving her degree in Naturopathic Medicine / Psychology.  She has been a certified Metabolic Balance Coach since 2015. Komala works internationally as a mentor, coach, and teacher. She is a certified instructor of the Compassion Cultivation Training. She has been practicing meditation and mindfulness for over 40 years and has practiced and taught various traditions. Komala lives with her husband in Sedona, Arizona for the past 25 years.

Meer informatie over de praktijk

please contact via email to arrange a meeting at komala@startmail.com
